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Against The Stars Launch Events!

The Tiny Ghost Newsletter, edition #24, April 13, 2023

Hi glamour ghouls!

Did you know we have a speculative, queer, romance coming out on April 18th???

If you didn't, it's called Against The Stars, written by Christopher Hartland, and it's about two boys from different walks of lives who are brought together when one of them sees a glimpse of his future. The book explores themes of destiny, identity, fate, classism, and mental health.

And to celebrate the book coming out we're hosting our first EVER in person launch parties. It's always been our goal (and a big dream) to host live events and to celebrate our authors in person so we're really excited about these events.

The first is happening TONIGHT(!!!) at the Hive Community Center cafe in Huddersfield, UK. The launch begins at 6:30 and it's free to come along. There will be books available for purchase and Christopher will be there to sign your copy. He'll also be reading a section of the book. And there will be snacks and refreshments available. If you're in town or know someone in the area, we'd love to see as many faces there as possible!

Our second event will be held in London, at the Kirkdale Bookshop in Sydenham, on Saturday 22nd. Once again entry is completely free and you can purchase a copy of the book for Christopher to sign. This event starts at 7:30 and again there will be refreshments and a reading and we would be so thrilled if you came out to help support indie publishing, indie bookshops, and queer books.

I literally have to run to jump on a train to Huddersfield right now. So I'll just say that I'm thrilled to be able to celebrate this launch in person at these events and if you're able to come down it would be so so appreciated!

Thanks and stay scary!

Josh x


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